Sunday, January 31, 2010

urban jewelry

liesbeth bussche: urban jewelry
belgian designer liesbeth bussche creates jewelry for urban space.
brussche's large-scale sculptures take on the same forms of jewelry such as earrings
and necklaces. concrete balls become pearls for earrings and warning tape
is made of woven beads. the artist is currently exhibiting at the 'what's new?'
exhibition at galerie sofie lachaert until 8 november 2009.

i want to change the way i see things...
melissa clemente
push forward.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010




this is what we are going to do with our graphic novel


Notes for my shoot.

Date: Jan. 20, 6pm, 219 Dufferin St.


  1. Grey backdrop, NO WHITE
  2. Bjork images
  3. Convey what you’re trying to do in the line

    - idea of isolation, inner turmoil, love, desperation, fear, relationship between a boy and a girl, loneliness, missing, secrecy, secretive, journal series, text aspects, cryptic, metaphoric, story, conveying emotions, dwelling in the moment, suffocating in the emotion.

    -broken hearted by losing person or not being able to be with them

    -what was the worse thing that you did, felt, why did it make you feel better to do it

    -jewellery as a relic, an installation exhibit, cross out of the world of fashion and break the boundaries, feel like they’ve changed from being inside the space

    -exchanging of books between Melissa and Ren-as teenagers, dated his brother, stayed pen pals while in Ottawa, suppressing how much love they have for each other

    -how to do you see beautiful on someone you’re in love with

    -not just for elite fashionistas or high brow art types, everyone can identify with the line

        Three Looks – heartbreak, blissful love, excitement/anxiety/confusion( weird ball in your stomach; anxiety) through portraits or photograph that tells story for an action, editorial,

      Hair, chain, bound, blindfolded, breakfree, escape from chains,

  1. Anxiety– unravel video by bjork, mel will be curled in a little ball, avante garde wedding dress, evoke pain but still smiling , love the feelings of pain in relationship

      Outfit – avante garde wedding dress or little fluffy dress

      Makeup -

  1. Blissful Love – lots of colour, blown out hair,
  2. Heartbreak – Naked
  1. Beauty shots- artists shots