Wednesday, February 3, 2010
growing jewelry

Sunday, January 31, 2010
urban jewelry

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Notes for my shoot.
Date: Jan. 20, 6pm, 219 Dufferin St.
- Grey backdrop, NO WHITE
- Bjork images
- Convey what you’re trying to do in the line
- idea of isolation, inner turmoil, love, desperation, fear, relationship between a boy and a girl, loneliness, missing, secrecy, secretive, journal series, text aspects, cryptic, metaphoric, story, conveying emotions, dwelling in the moment, suffocating in the emotion.
-broken hearted by losing person or not being able to be with them
-what was the worse thing that you did, felt, why did it make you feel better to do it
-jewellery as a relic, an installation exhibit, cross out of the world of fashion and break the boundaries, feel like they’ve changed from being inside the space
-exchanging of books between Melissa and Ren-as teenagers, dated his brother, stayed pen pals while in Ottawa, suppressing how much love they have for each other
-how to do you see beautiful on someone you’re in love with
-not just for elite fashionistas or high brow art types, everyone can identify with the line
Three Looks – heartbreak, blissful love, excitement/anxiety/confusion( weird ball in your stomach; anxiety) through portraits or photograph that tells story for an action, editorial,
Hair, chain, bound, blindfolded, breakfree, escape from chains,
- Anxiety– unravel video by bjork, mel will be curled in a little ball, avante garde wedding dress, evoke pain but still smiling , love the feelings of pain in relationship
Outfit – avante garde wedding dress or little fluffy dress
Makeup -
- Blissful Love – lots of colour, blown out hair,
- Heartbreak – Naked
- Beauty shots- artists shots
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
an after thought
denise julia reytan
Today i was forwarded this link from anda. Thanks lady. I love it when the people around me send me links to help inspire me.

"The fixation of the pieces of jewellery and other objects of peronal value I have collected by way of the rather unconventional technique of silicone casting, is a snap-shot of my time and the culture I am part of, the culture of an often unreflected consumers’ society, in which objects become easily disposable.With jewellery not the material but the ideal value should come to the fore, so that the personality of everyone can get expressed, shaped and reflected. The idea of democratic jewellery and of sharing my messages and my collected and unique objects is important for me. That´s also a reason why I choose the silicone casting method.There is a strong contrast between the material of non-precious silicone, the cast precious jewellery pieces and a very personal content. By changing the original materiality of the used objects into silicone or resin, a new harmony of material, colour is created, a novel entity"

Made me think yet again about process and other methods of making art wearable. My next step i think will be how to exhibit my work a collaborative installation. I think that that's what i've always wanted to do.... just havent figured out how to do it.